Friday 15 December 2017

The Future Is Green (Why Businesses Should Embrace Compostable Packaging)

Do you know that most businesses are going for compostable packaging? If you have a business, you too should embrace it. But wait, why should you use them when you can easily find another alternative packaging?

Well, this is because compostable packaging is environmentally friendly and it can form soil within six months when it has been well disposed of. It also needs less carbon to yield hence adds more nutrients to the environment.

For packaging to be considered compostable it has to meet some requirements such as;

  • Biodegradability: Here more than 90% of the packaging must decompose within 180 days within the disposal. It should be able to break down into water, mineral, and carbon dioxide.
  • Ability to disintegrate. For this to happen, over 90% of the packaging material must decay into tiny pieces that do not exceed two millimeters within three months.
  • The packaging material must have a low concentration of heavy materials. Ideally, the high concentration of heavy material is harmful to the environment. 
  • The packaging material must be environmentally friendly in that it should not tamper with the decaying process.

Currently, in the market, they are also biodegradable packaging. You might be asking yourself how to distinguish it from a compostable one. Here are some of the differences between the compostable and biodegradable packaging;

  • First, compostable packaging does not form toxins during the decaying process. On the other hand, biodegradable packaging leads to the formation of toxins.
  • Advantageously, the compostable packaging has a specific set time on when the packaging will decompose into the earth while the other form of packaging lacks a time frame on when it is likely to decay.
  • Biodegradable packaging is also harmful to the surroundings while compostable products contain organic matter that is helpful to the earth.
  • Having said that, here are some of the benefits of compostable packaging;

Social benefit. 

It boosts the sustainability of the environment by discouraging any harmful impact packaging could have on the environment. This is a benefit to the immediate community as there will be no toxins that can interfere with health and wellbeing. 

Financial benefit.

Compostable packaging is environmentally friendly as it encourages more customers to repeatedly buy the same commodity which builds loyalty which in turn boosts the growth of a business.

Environment benefit.  

In compostable packaging environment, the environment is generally safe because of the following reasons;

  • It reduces pollution of the environment as there are no toxins produced.
  • Compostable packaging utilizes a few carbons as compared to any other form of packaging.
  • It also reduces the original materials required to make packaging.

What's more?

Compostable packaging contains non-toxic material and is also allergen-free. A consumer who is well informed about environment conservation will always choose another packaging that contains chemicals such as phthalates. For a business that chooses green packaging their curve is way ahead of others. Millennials and Generation Z are opting for green packaging that is less harmful to the earth. Hence if your business adopts this packaging your sales will escalate; you will make more profits. In the coming years, biodegradable packaging will be less likely adopted because of the harm it causes to the environment. In conclusion, businesses need to embrace the use of compostable packaging as it is worth its value.

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